Web Resources fir Greek Culture

Web Resources for Greek Culture

The Ancient Greek World. On-line exhibit at the University of Pennsylvania featuring sections on Land and Archaeological Time, Daily Life, Economy, Religion, and Death.

Ancient City of Athens, images and information about the monuments of Athens.

Chronology of Ancient Greece, from Exploring Ancient World Cultures at the University of Evansville. Includes links to ancient maps, essays, and an anthology of readings on-line.

Classical Myth: the Ancient Sources includes texts and images about the Olympian gods.

Andrew Wilson's The Classics Pages, over 500 pages of news, information, games and controversy about the life, literature, art and archaeology of the ancient world of Greece & Rome.

Cultural Map of Hellas, a site sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Culture that links to museums and sites in Greece.

Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World.

Dr. J's Illustrated Sites of Greece combines images with nice descriptions and explanations of their significance.

Have a question about your favorite hero or god? Check out Encyclopedia Mythica. Interested in more mythology? Theoi Greek Mythology: Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature and Art is the place.

Greek History Course (Reed College) features course lectures and student research projects.

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. The PBS miniseries website features 3-D animation of the Parthenon, interactive maps, Life in Athens, and biographies of Cleisthenes, Themistocles, Pericles, Aspasia, and Socrates.

Internet Ancient History Source Book on Greece. Links to texts (in English translation) and (a few) images sorted by historical periods, events, and cultural categories.

Tom Martin's extensive Overview of Archaic and Classical Greek History (political, military, cultural, religious aspects of ancient Greece).

Perseus Project, an evolving digital library on ancient Greece. Images, texts, maps, essays, on-line Greek-English lexicon, plus much more.

Skenotheke: Images of the Ancient Stage

Women's Life in Greece and Rome. The source book by Lefkowitz and Fant on line.


Interior of the Parthenon
Interior of the Parthenon, Athens, ca. 447-432 BCE

Photos: Temple of Apollo with Acrocorinth in the background. Interior of the Parthenon from the east; two people standing roughly where the cult statue of Athena Parthenos would have stood. Photographs copyright © 2000 by John Gruber-Miller.