A Sampler of Spiritual Life Events & Retreats

Allee Chapel is located on the ped mall near Tri-Hall

  • Chat with the Chaplain every Thursday (except breaks) in Thomas Commons over the lunch hour. Come by to introduce yourself and get to know your chaplain!
  • Better Together. An interfaith / spiritual gathering that invites you to reset and set an intention for the block ahead.
  • Soul Friends. An ecumenical Christian gathering to uplift and nourish your soul.
  • Calm in the Chaos. A brief mindfulness meditation break every Friday except over breaks.
  • Deep Peace Yoga to calm and refresh you on Tuesdays 3:30–4:30 p.m. in the Richard and Norma Small Athletics and Wellness Center (the SAW).
  • Special events like solidarity vigils, retreats, conferences, religious center visits, and more will be posted throughout the year on the Campus Calendar.  

NOTE: Cornell students, faculty, and staff represent numerous religious, spiritual-but-not-religious, and secular perspectives. The Chaplain of the College and the student leaders of The Cornell Chaplain & Spiritual Life Office values this diversity, both as part of the educational experience and as we seek to live authentic, caring, mutually appreciative and respectful lives amid our cultural, political, religious, and other differences. This is one of the many ways we help prepare lives for servant leadership and reconciling virtue on this beautiful, sacred Earth. We invite you to join us on this journey of healing love.