Cornell's Student Loan Partnership

Cornell’s Student Loan Partnership

Cornell’s Student Loan Partnership is a selective program that is an agreement between Cornell and you to help pay off federal student loans you take out for college*. Each year that you are enrolled at Cornell you earn $2000 towards federal student loans you incur while studying here. When you graduate in four years, Cornell will pay half of your federal student loan debt taken while you were enrolled at Cornell up to $8000. If you borrow $16,000 or more, we’ll pay $8000, if you borrow $15,999 or less, we’ll pay half of that.

Program requirements:

  • Live in Cornell College residential housing
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student all four years
  • Graduate in good academic standing after four years

You will be invited to indicate your interest in the program after you have applied and are admitted to Cornell.

*This program applies to federal student loans only, not parent PLUS loans, or private loans taken out by students. If you have questions about the different types of loans, we encourage you to have a conversation with one of our Financial Assistance counselors.

Have questions?

Reach out to your admission counselor to ask about this program.