Well-being Network

The Cornell Well-being Network is comprised of several departments on campus who collaborate with one another, while each offers unique services.

Collectively, their work supports students and student success. Their programming focuses on individual, group, and community efforts supporting:

Upcoming events

Mindfulness and stress reduction

Mindfulness and stress reduction are at the forefront of the work of the well-being network. By offering activities to help students reduce stress, create healthy habits, and spaces to prioritize purposeful living, the network has a number of offerings. A snapshot of these activities include:

  • Weekly meditation and mindfulness sessions
  • Weekly stress reduction yoga classes
  • RAM (Recognition, Awareness, and Mindful openness) workshops
  • Reiki sessions
  • Biofeedback availability
  • Pet Therapy Day
  • Stress-Free Zones

Physical well-being

Physical well-being is significant to the work of these offices. Whether looking at exercise, campus recreation, or working with an acute or ongoing health concern, departments within the network can assist in helping you to feel better. A snapshot of physical well-being opportunities include:

  • Campus Recreation
  • Group exercise classes
  • Injury or illness-related appointments
  • Nutrition information and workshops
  • Health screenings, vaccinations, and sexual health information
  • Travel health information and preparation

Academic well-being

The academic rigor of the block plan can sometimes be a challenge for a particular course, or adjusting to the pace of the block. The network offers a number of experiences to help you succeed in the classroom, including:

  • Note taking, test preparation, study skills, time management, and test anxiety workshops
  • Assistance in developing individual academic plans
  • Creating learning contracts
  • Tutoring and support offices
  • Assistance for accommodations that are documented

Relationship well-being

Communal living, either in the residence halls, on-campus, or with close friends can sometimes strain relationships. We seek to support the development of healthy relationships with one another through various campus-wide and individual counseling events. Further opportunities to engage in relationship well-being include:

  • Get Outta Town events
  • Roommate agreements
  • Hygge
  • Forgiveness and other workshops
  • Individual counseling

Spiritual well-being

Regardless of a student’s spiritual or religious path, a number of ways to engage in spiritual growth and well-being exist through the network. In addition to connecting students to local religious communities, the network offers:

  • Spiritual and pastoral care and counseling
  • Being Peace - an interspiritual prayer gathering
  • Christian ecumenical gatherings
  • Retreats, workshops, and lectures
  • A number of student organizations


Many students find themselves needing to develop some basic skills in order to succeed at Cornell and beyond. Some of the skills the network helps students to develop include:

  • Speaking with faculty
  • Writing an email
  • Scheduling appointments and calling insurance companies
  • Sleep education
  • Time management
  • Workshops on managing anxiety and depression

Block break

At the end of each block, Cornell students have a unique opportunity to reset and incorporate new habits for the next 18 (class) day period. We design ways for them to spend parts of the break between classes, referred to as block break, in one of three categories: Rejuvenate, Explore, and Prepare. Ultimately, the network believes that by engaging in these three categories, (and practicing our REPs), we can continue to build our capacity towards a healthy campus environment.

Rejuvenate: spend time with friends, sleeping, or attending one of our many Get Outta Town events to continue to build relationships with one another. Head on a rejuvenating Spiritual Life retreat to center yourself and work on relaxing.

Explore: join the Berry Career Institute on a Career Tour, head home with a friend to a city where you’ve never been or join us in Cedar Rapids or Iowa City for a Get Outta Town event.

Prepare: pick up those textbooks for the next course, stop by the Berry Career Institute to talk about internships or fellowships, take the GRE, or even catch up on laundry.

Additional well-being services

In addition to these areas of well-being, we are able to offer access to additional well-being services. These include:

  • Mind Spa Sensory Room: The new Sensory room only holds one student at a time. It is for our neurodiverse students that need a space to regulate and re-center themselves, students who need a quiet space to study, nap, or take time out etc. Students will be able to reserve the space for 1 hour time slots once per day
  • Telepsychiatry: Students wishing to use telepsychiatry services need to schedule an appointment with the counseling center in order to determine if telepsychiatry would be appropriate.
  • Transportation to specialized medical appointments: transportation to medical and mental health appointments in the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City area can be scheduled by contacting the Health Center (319.895.4292). Appointments should be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance.