Cornell College Summer Flute Camp

June 23-26, 2025

Enhance your performance skills, and have fun making music—in the course of a week of intensive study with our distinguished faculty of performers and college professors. Students entering college, or entering high school grades 9-12 in Fall 2025 are invited to register. The program includes:

  • Individual lessons
  • Daily lunch and Thursday evening dinner, for commuter students
  • A residential option, including 3 nights on campus, and 3 meals per day
  • Flute choir rehearsals
  • Chamber rehearsals and sectionals
  • A final performance, featuring chamber flute and piccolo ensembles
  • Workshops on topics such as Careers in Music, Music Theory, & Performance Anxiety
  • Faculty and guest artist performances

Free digital photographs taken throughout the camp and a link to the final performance video

A final performance will be held on June 26th. It is free-of-charge and open to the public, we encourage families and friends of the students to join us to celebrate what they've learned.

What will a day at camp look like? 

  • 9–10 a.m. Warm ups and Technique Class, Recital Hall
  • 10–11 a.m. Flute Choir Rehearsal
  • 11 a.m.–12 p.m. Individual Chamber Ensemble Rehearsals
  • 12–1 p.m. Lunch
  • 1–2 p.m. Music Theory with Dr. Jama Stilwell, Room 144
  • 2–3 p.m. Panel Discussion on Career Options, Recital Hall
  • 3–4 p.m. Faculty Recital in Ringer Recital Hall


Musicians of all skill levels are encouraged to attend the Cornell College Summer Flute Camp. When you arrive on June 23rd, you will be asked to play a short audition.  The purpose of this audition is simply for the faculty to be able to group students according to skill level. At the audition, you’ll be asked to play two scales, as well as sight-read a short etude excerpt.

Pricing & Registration

$330 Commuter Campers (all scheduled daytime activities + lunch daily)
$515 Residential Campers (all scheduled daytime activities, 3 meals/day, shared residence hall room & optional evening activities.)

Registration deadline: June 9, 2025

Registration fees are non-refundable except in the unlikely event that the Cornell College Summer Flute Camp is canceled due to low enrollment.

Register online