Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, such as a severe thunderstorm or tornado, listen to your radio for weather service reports. Weather bulletins will announce if the Linn County and/or Mount Vernon areas are under a severe thunderstorm or tornado watch or warning. A watch occurs when conditions exist which make a severe storm or tornado possible. A warning is issued when a severe storm is approaching or a tornado has been sighted. In the event of a tornado or other severe weather warning notification will be sent via the RAM Emergency System. When a warning is issued, take inside shelter immediately. Seek the best possible shelter such as the lowest floor of the building, a small enclosed area in the center of the building, or a space without windows. Large open interior areas should be avoided. During a warning, building managers, Residence Life staff members, The Thomas Commons staff members and other College officials will provide building specific safety instructions. Students are expected to follow these directions for their own safety and for the safety of others.

In the event of heavy snow, listen to local news and radio broadcasts for information regarding class cancellations. Students may also view announcements via e-mail, on the College's web page, or contact the Thomas Commons Information Desk. Due to our residential campus, it is a rare occurrence that classes at Cornell are canceled due to snow. When snow is present on campus, Facilities Services makes a concerted effort to clear walkways and stairs immediately after snowfall while considering the possibility of continued snowfall. Due to this responsibility, assistance in removing snow from, on, or around vehicles cannot be provided.