Plan & Advertise Your Event

Silent Student Disco event

There are a number of steps in making your event successful. This page outlines typical steps and provides links to a number of campus resources related to event planning.

Extensive event planning information for student events is being compiled into a Student Organization Handbook. Stay tuned or contact for more assistance.

Event planning checklist

Step 1: Ensure funding

If you are a student organization, work with Student Senate Appropriations Committee to make sure you have funding.

Step 2: Check for timing conflicts

Review the campus calendar and see if there are any other events that could conflict with yours. If you want to be sure you're choosing a time that is most accessible for all students—check with the Student Activities office for advice about best days and times.

Step 3: Reserve a space

Use Skedda to set the time and location of your event.

Step 4: Describe your event

Develop a brief (50-75 words) description of your event, including a contact name and email address. Also include a link to more information or a registration form, if available.  You'll use this in advertising your event in the next few steps.

Step 5: Add your event to the calendar

Submit your event to the campus events calendar as far in advance as possible. It is reviewed prior to posting it on the calendar, and we reserve the right to edit for grammar, style, length, etc. All events approved for the calendar will be published automatically on the faculty/staff and student gateways and other locations on Cornell's site. 

Step 6: Promote your event on campus

There are a variety of avenues for displaying or distributing promotional materials on campus. You may also consider social media channels managed by student groups or offices.