Immunization requirements and recommendations
Cornell College requires all incoming students to have proof of:
- one Quadrivalent Meningitis Vaccine (A,C, Y, W-135) on or after the student's 16th birthday
- two MMR vaccines
Without documented proof of proper Meningitis and MMR vaccination, a student's registration will be cancelled.
No other immunizations are required for admittance; however, the American College Health Association strongly recommends that students consider the following vaccines:
- COVID-19 - (2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna, 1 dose of Johnson and Johnson)
- Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine - (MenB4-C, 2 doses, or MenB-FHbp, 3 doses)
- Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis, Vaccine - primary series given in childhood (DT, DTaP, DTP, or TD), booster dose of Tdap given age 11-18, Td/Tdap every 10 years after that
- Chicken Pox (Varicella) - 2 doses
- Influenza vaccine yearly
Additional vaccines to consider are:
- HPV - series of 3
- Hepatitis A - series of 2
Questions about student health services?
Stop in our office, call 319.895.4292 or email