Section 8.5: Door Decorations

Door decorations can make a big difference in making students feel welcome and appreciated. Here are some things to consider:

  • Make the names easy to read.
  • If you can’t write clearly and neatly, use stencils or adhesive letters.
  • Choose a theme and make a variety of door decs to fit the theme.
  • Don’t be afraid to incorporate what you know about residents into their door decs.
  • Be creative and fun!
  • Ask for help from your fellow RAs if you're not crafty or creative.

Along with the good, there will be the bad. Here are some things to avoid:

  • Avoid using nicknames. Students can later self-identify a preferred nickname, but start with their official roster name.
  • Avoid door decs that lack creativity. Stamping out a dozen generic door decs of the same simple shape uses little effort and doesn’t really add much to your floor.

Ultimately, think back to your first impression of your RA when you saw their first door dec on your door. This can help you understand the importance of these small yet compelling decorations.