Available Doubles:

The following is a list of available rooms. This should be used during the general upperclass room selection process only and will not be maintained after that process has ended.

Gender Breakdown by Hall and floor

Floor MaleFemale
Merner 2nd 0 0
Merner 3rd 0 0
Merner 4th 0 0
Olin 1st 0 0
Olin 3rd 0 0
Pfeiffer 0 0 4
Pfeiffer 1st 0 4
Pfeiffer 2nd 11 6

Rooms on Merner 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, Olin 1st, 3rd, and Pfeiffer 0, 1st, and 2nd floors are available to all genders, and are listed as "Either" below. However, there is a specific gender breakdown required. For example, if Merner 3rd has "12" in the Male column in the table above, only twelve rooms on Merner 3rd can be taken by groups of males.

Pfeiffer Hall

Pfeiffer Hall 011

Gender: Either

Pfeiffer Hall 323

Gender: Male

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