Reserve Stoner House

Stoner House - ICL activity location

Where is Stoner House?

Why you might want to come to Stoner House

  • Gather your club or organization for a meal
  • Your club or organization wants to host a special study event
  • Gather for a holiday or celebration
  • Great for meetings and class sessions

House expectations

Leave Stoner House in the same condition as you found it. Cleaning supplies are stored on site and you are expected to use them to clean up (immediately) after your event. Here's a checklist to follow:

  • Clean floors, which includes vacuuming and may include mopping.
  • If you used the kitchen, clean all surfaces (appliances, counters, tables).
  • Wash and dry any dishes you used; put the dishes away.
  • Hang dry your wet towels.
  • Take any leftovers home with you but do not take any dishes, pots or pans, silverware, or anything else that belongs to Stoner House.
  • Move furniture back to original locations.
  • Shut any windows that may be open.
  • Turn off the inside and outside lights when you leave.

Reserve Stoner House by contacting