Health Promotions

Cornell students play frisbee golf on campus

Our Mission: 

Mission Statement

In support of the college’s mission to provide an innovative and rigorous learning community, the Office of Health Promotion seeks to provide services, education, and outreach on various topics related to health and well-being in order to increase student success, and to empower students to make well informed decisions concerning their health and wellbeing. We will work collaboratively with the Well-being Network to create of a culture of well-being throughout the Cornell campus community.


Peer program

Certified peer educators develop and deliver workshops, facilitate focus groups, provide outreach programming, and other health promotion services  to the campus community. Learn more about our peer program at our office in the Thomas Commons.

Cornell students rollerblade on campus

Mental well-being

Mental well-being is how you think, act, and cope with the stressors and challenges of life. Your mental well-being impacts how you see yourself, your life, and others around you. Your state of mental well-being influences negatively or positively your ability to achieve your goals. A healthy mental state will allow you to function and be resilient in the face of life’s challenges and adversity.

If stress, depression, or anxiety is negatively impacting your life, reach out to one of Cornell’s Well-being Network of resources:

Counseling Center

You may benefit from discussing your mental wellness concerns with a professional counselor. The Counseling Center offers short-term counseling, educational programming, referrals, self-help information, and stress-free workshops. You can also schedule a telepsychiatry appointment through the Counseling Center. 

Spiritual Life

Spiritual practices can contribute to mental health and well-being. Spiritual care, healing, and support for diversely religious, spiritual but not religious, and secular students, faculty, and staff is available. Mindfulness and stress reduction programming is provided through the Spiritual Life Office.

Physical well-being

Your physical well-being contributes to your success. Adequate sleep, good nutrition, and your overall health impact your life. The Cornell Well-being Network provides many resources related to your physical well-being.

Cornell students work out in the gym

Campus Recreation

Recreation opportunities are open to all Cornell students. You can participate in competitive extracurricular activities, which has the potential to positively impact your physical, social, and mental well-being. Plus, you’ll get to meet new people! Participation can help relieve stress and give you a mental break.

Group fitness classes

Physical activity helps prevent illness, controls weight, relieves tension, and strengthens your muscles and cardiovascular system. Some research studies have indicated that increases in physical activity are linked to an increased GPA and likelihood of graduation.

Student Health Center

Visit the Health Center when you have an injury, illness, need a health screening, vaccinations, sexual health information, travel health information, and travel preparation.

Well-being workshops

The Health Promotions office is dedicated to providing you the information needed to make good decisions around health. Contact our office if you’re interested in well-being workshops including:  responsible alcohol use, stress management, anxiety management, resilience, nutrition, body image,  weight management, and more! Please make requests at least two weeks prior to your workshop or event. 

Wellness Coaching

  • Individual Coaching Sessions to help you reach your wellness goals and be the best that you can be.  Email for an appointment. 

Upcoming events

Check the Master Calendar, and the Student Gateway announcements section for events, programming, workshops and other information. 

Ongoing events:

  • Surviving Finals Tips and Tidbits, 4th Monday of each Block over the lunch hour (11:30-1:00pm) on the OC. 
  • Yoga with Catherine. Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 at the SAW
  • Zumba with Marcia. Fridays 3:15-4:00 pm at the SAW
  • Martial Arts for Fitness. Mondays 5:00pm-6:00pm in the SAW
  • Aerobics for Fitness. Wednesdays 5:00pm-6:00pm at the SAW
  • For more information on Health Promotion programs and events follow us on Social Media. 

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