Emotional Support Animal Policy

Animals, including pets, are not permitted in Cornell College’s buildings or residences with the exception of approved Service or Emotional Support Animals for individuals with disabilities. Students with disabilities who require the use of Service or Emotional Support Animals as a reasonable accommodation may be permitted to bring such animals on campus provided that they comply with Cornell College’s policies regarding such animals. 

This policy applies solely to Emotional Support Animals (ESA) which may be necessary in College housing. It does not apply to Service Animals as defined by the ADA. Cornell College has developed a separate policy regarding the presence of Service Animals in college housing.

It is important to note that animals that may be needed because of a disability may be identified by various names. For example, an individual may identify the animal as a companion animal, therapy animal, or emotional support animal. ESAs are animals that perform tasks and/or provide service, assistance, or emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of an individual’s disability. ESAs may not assist with daily living tasks and are not required to have received special training. ESAs stay only in residence; they do not accompany an individual with a disability at all times (i.e., ESAs do not attend class, enter the library, or visit other residence halls or dining halls). 

Federal law assures that people with disabilities be allowed to have an ESA in the residence with them if the animal is necessary for individuals to gain the full benefit or enjoyment of College housing and/or participating in the College housing program. This policy explains the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of an ESA in College housing.  

Cornell College reserves the right to amend this policy at any time, as circumstances require.


Contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at disability_services@cornellcollege.edu, call 319.895.4207 or stop by the Student Life Office in Thomas Commons Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.