Information on Depression

Depression is a common illness. If you have questions about depression, or wonder what types of treatment are available for depression, you might want to contact the Counseling Center to get some additional information, and/or check out the resources below. You can make an appointment to talk with a staff member about your concerns regarding depression; call 319-895-4292 or email to request an appointment – please be aware that email is not confidential and is not checked outside of office hours/when the Center is closed, there are delays with email, and it should not be used for urgent concerns.  For the most confidential and timely communication, please call the Counseling Center during office hours:  Monday – Friday between 8am and 4:30pm Central time.

There is information available online that might be helpful to you.

For Further Reading

The following are a few readings related to depression and mood disorders. Some of these readings are available for check-out from the Cole Library or the Counseling Center Resource Library.

  • "Beating the College Blues: A Student's Guide to Coping with the Emotional Ups and Downs of College Life." Authors: Paul A. Grayson, Ph.D. and Philip W. Meilman, Ph.D. Facts on File, New York; 1992. In a conversational question-answer format, this volume deals with everything from getting started and fitting in to facing the challenges of life after college.
  • "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy," a systematic program for controlling thought distortions that lead to pessimism, lethargy, procrastination, low self-esteem and other "black holes" of depression. Author: David D. Burns, M.D. Signet Books, 1999 (revised edition).
  • "Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness." A personal account of the author's struggle with depression, its tortuous progression and his eventual recovery. Author: William Styron. Vintage Books, 1990.
  • "We Heard the Angels of Madness: One family's struggle with Manic Depression." An excellent depiction of the reality of manic depressive disease as told from the family's inside view, along with a well-researched description of the illness and a guide to treatment. Authors: Diane and Lisa Berger. William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1991.
  • "Healthy Living with Bipolar Disorder." International Bipolar Foundation, 2012. Also available free online.