
3 p.m. Saturday, May 11, 2024

Richard and Norma Small Athletic and Wellness Center

Order of service

Prelude (please remain seated)
"Fantasia No. 5 in F Major" - George P. Telemann, Rick Parks
"Sheep May Safely Graze" - J.S. Bach

Processional (stand if able)
"Trumpet Tune" - Jean-Joseph Mouret, Patricia Lou Harris. Julia Andrews, pianist
Greeting (stand if able)
Jonathan M. Brand, President of the College
Invocation (stand if able)
The Rev. Melea White, Chaplain of the College
Opening Blessing
Edan Cohavi & Aaron Fennell-Chametzky
Kindling Light
Kimberly Maitland & Anna Newby
At times our light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. - Albert Schweitzer
Litany of Thanksgiving
Kimberly Maitland
One: Source of our becoming, Wisdom in whom we live and move and have our being: For all who have brought us to this hour, including parents and loved ones,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: For scholars, sages, scientists, artists, authors, and teachers; for all who create the well of culture from which we drink,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: For models of human kindness, and those who offer gentleness, justice, and compassion,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: For support staff, coaches, custodians, and dining staff; for safety officers and administrative assistants; for those who held events that engaged and enlivened our college experience; for facilities staff, fundraisers, and administrators; for the generosity of benefactors including alumni who made our education possible,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: For friends and classmates,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: For life’s beauty and the gift of wonder. For the power of love to guide, heal, and sustain,
All: We give thanks for the journey.
One: May our gratitude from all we have received be evident in the way we live, serve, and lead.
Adapted from prayers by The Rev. Dr. Richard Thomas and The Rev. Dr. Catherine Quehl-Engel ’89, Emeritus Chaplains
Gratitudes by the Class of 2024
Isabella Schmidt & Audrey Pagel
Julia Andrews
Senior Reflection
Isabella Schmidt

Spiritual Wisdom for the Journey

  Hebrew Bible: Isaiah 54:10.
Edan Cohavi
  Qur’an 3:103
Kachana Myrville
  New Testament: Ephesians 4:25, 29-32
Ben Parkins
  “Everything is Waiting for You” by David Whyte
Audrey Pagel
Reflection: “Grace for the Journey”
Melea White
Invitation to Graduating Seniors
Melea White
Seniors come forward and receive a special item tied to the theme of the service.
“Hallelujah” - Haim
Anna Newby, vocalist, Julia Andrews
Closing Dedication
Kimberly Maitland & Kachana Myrville
A variation of prayers attributed to St. Francis of Assisi and the Iona Community
Benediction (stand if able)
Melea White
Recessional: "Festal March" (stand if able) G.F. Handel

Postlude: "The Prince of Denmark's March" - Jeremiah Clarke
"La Rejouissance" from Music for the Royal Fireworks - G.F. Handel
Julia Andrews

Join us for a light reception following the service in the rear of the Richard and Norma Small Athletic and Wellness Center Arena.