Antonine Woman as Venus
First Person Narrative
The date is two days before the Ides of September, c. 155 C.E. Today I, Empress Faustina, wife of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and daughter of Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus, am celebrating my 22nd birthday. I am celebrating this day without the presence of my beloved Marcus. Marcus is battling in war along the river Danube against the Teutonic tribes in order to ensure the safety and power of the empire.
I will be leaving for the country villa in Ostia directly after sunrise in celebration of this day. It is not common for women of my stature to leave the city during the absence of the men of the homes, but I will not disregard this special day. I am, however, slightly disappointed the city will not be able to hold the traditional festivities in my honor. The war has taken a great deal of the empire's wealth and I am unable to enjoy all the luxuries I am accustomed to.
I will leave my journal for now to aid in the gathering of my children and the final preparations for our trip.
* * *
The sun has set, the children are sleeping, and I now have a moment to reflect on this day.
We arrived at the villa about mid-day. I spent a relaxing afternoon walking through the gardens and playing games with my children. The cook staff prepared an elaborate dinner in my honor. For the children, they served Sweet and Sour Pork and for my tastes, Goose with Fruit Sauce. The weather was inviting so we were able to dine in the south garden. After dinner, I left the children with the slaves and spent some time relaxing in a luxurious bath, a gift to myself.
The day was rewarding and I'm now ready to rest. Goodnight for now, but before I close my eyes I will say a prayer for the safety and victorious return of my husband.
* * *
The sun rose this morning with such billiance, I felt completely rejuvenated and ready for the day. However, as much as I enjoy relaxing in this paradise, I do miss the women's religious cult that I am a member of. Because my father still has control of the dowry, I am not a part of my husband's family and, therefore, I cannot attend religious festivities with him and my children. Rather, I attend them with my natal family or attend my special cult. I would like to have more freedom with my religion, but maybe that's too much to ask.
While I'm here, I'd like to read some poetry a female friend of mine recommended to me. I was taught how to read when I was a young girl, before my marriageable years. A hired tutor helped me to learn basic reading, writing, and other important subjects. I am grateful of my education. I can only imagine how wonderful and exciting formal eductation would be.
Profile of Antonine Woman as Venus
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