




Definition of Types of Humor



Absurd humor is based on the situation, characters, and or actions being extremely ridiculous or not making any sense.  An important part of absurd humor is often surprise; having the climax of a set-up be entirely contrary to what was expected.  

ex. In the presentation given by Thom and I we performed a skit by Montey Python titled The Four Yorkshirmen.




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Burlesque humor is when style does not match content.  It takes a dignified or high-class subject and presents it in an undignified or low-class way, or vice-versa.


ex. In the presentation given by Thom and I we performed one of the Celebrity Jeopardy skits from SNL.

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This kind of humor presents subject matter, typically dealing with bodily functions or features, which are normally taboo.  Because it is a performance, however, it is more acceptable for these things to be displayed or spoken of and thus has a cathartic effect for the audience, purging their desire to be open about that which is taboo.


ex. Thom and I performed Insult tennis during out presentation to demonstrate obscenity.

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Slapstick is the comedy of violence. Usually this is taken to the point of disbelief. The violence is so extreme that it couldn't actually happen, or rarely ever happens, like being hit in the head with an anvil. The situation that causes the violence can also make it slapstick. For example someone spilling a drink in a bar causing the entire bar to break out in a fight. Finally things like slipping on a banana peel or being hit in the face with pie are also included in slapstick

ex. I hit Thom in the face with a pie.

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Humor based on stereotypes depends on pointing out or exaggerating characteristics typical of, or thought typical of a certain group of people.


ex. Thom and i told jokes that Sterotyped different groups of people.

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This type of humor includes things such as puns.  It is a way of twisting or playing with the sounds and meanings of words, phrases, and/or idioms.


ex. Thom and I performed a small part of a skit called The Errant Knight or The Knight, the Princess, and the Gate

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For questions or comments, please contact John Gruber-Miller