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Mae West




Road to Morocco




Orville takes full advantage of his windfall, always interested in what is best for him in the immediate moment.

Bob Hope and Bing Crosby star in Road to Morocco which is an excellent modern example of a play with very little in the way of strong characters and also very little use of character in the comedy. The comedy is entirely driven by circumstance and one-liners. Aristotle would be proud to identify, quite easily, the characters as buffoons. The stars play a couple of Americans traveling abroad to an exotic African locale. All of the characters are heavily stereotyped: the princess is beautiful, the evil sheikh is violent and the Americans are both opportunistic and a little selfish when left to their own devices.

Always protecting their own skins, the cousins work well together only when in shared peril.

The lack of strong characters does not ruin the comedy, however. Road to Morocco is full of one-liners, humorous and ridiculous situations, and some excellent singing. It also plays heavily on racial stereotypes, especially with the Arab men, the Arab usage of Astrology and the exotic Arab women. This is an important comedy to add to the discussion on character just to show how the use of character is not always a critical element in comedy.

That said, the characters, as you have likely realized, are very flat.

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For questions or comments, please contact John Gruber-Miller