
Aspects of Comedy

CLA220,Comedy Greece and Rome to Hollywood

Theater of Dionysus

In this course, we the students of Classics Comedy learned about ancient Greek and Roman comedy as well as watched and analyzed comedic movies having a similar plot line as the plays we have read. The plays that are described or talked about on this web site are the Plays written by: Aristophanes, Menander, and Plautus. This web site is dedicated to the Spectacles of the comedic theater such as how the actors of old comedy dressed in costumes, what type of masks they wore, and what the sets and music said about the play.

Costumes - an actor's attire while performing.

Sets - scenery.

Masks - facial features in which ancient actors wore to promote they as being part of the play.

Music - the musical entertainment that can determine emotions of the actors.

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Scott Davis

Andrea Arzuaga

Drew Spain

last updated 6-sep-01