AthenaClass Consciousness and StatusCharlie Chaplin

Aspects of Comedy

CLA 220, Comedy: Greece and Rome to Hollywood

This is an overview of class consciousness and status as seen in a variety of plays and films.

Characters from the pieces will be organized into the different social groups
and analyzed as to how their status affects their lives in their society.

The plays are ancient Greek and Roman comedies, by Aristophanes, Plautus, and Menander.

The films range from comedies of Charlie Chaplin, to Frank Capra's It Happened One Night,
and finally to Sam Wood's A Night at the Opera.

Old Comedies:
Aristophanes' Clouds
The Comedies of Menander
Plautus's Pseudolus

Headshot of Charlie ChaplinThe Comedies of Charlie Chaplin
Frank Capra's It Happened One Night
The Marx Brothers' A Night at the Opera


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Anna Doherty Stephanie Pisarik Joel Gentes Amanda Neuman

Last Updated: September 18, 2001