Actor and Spectator

Aspects of Comedy

Cla220, Comedy, Greece and Rome to Hollywood

The View from Epidaurus

Interactive Devices

--used by writers to establish a relationship with the audience--

Asides thinking out loud, but so that other characters on stage cannot hear what is said
Monologues a speech delivered by a character alone or who believes himself to be alone on stage
Eavesdropping one or more characters are aware of additional characters onstage, however these additional characters are not aware of the others prescence
Improvisation despite the fact that the characters are acting based on a pre-written script, their actions appear unplanned
Parabasis a break in the action in which the chorus addresses the audience
Chorus a group of minor characters who react to the action of the main characters, much in the same way that the audience does
Allusions references to other works and/or events of the time



Works Examined

Aristophanes' BirdsCharlie Chaplin
Menander's Old Cantankerous

Frank Capra's It Happened One Night

Plautus' PseudolusAlexander Mackendrick's Whiskey Galore!

go to Conclusions for comparisons and constrasts between works


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elizabeth joy andrews

last updated September 25, 2001