Classical Mythology
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Classical Mythology

CLA 2-216-2001

Final Projects:

  • The final project will be a combination of individual essays and group presentations which will trace the transformations of specific mythic figures from antiquity through the present. Each group will choose a mythic figure and each member will be responsible for writing a 5-7 page essay discussing this figure in a particular piece of literature, art, music, theater, or film. At least one essay from each group should address an ancient version of the mythic figure and one a contemporary representation. Each group will then use the individual essays to create a presentation on the transformation of their mythic figure from antiquity to the present. Details of the various components are as follows:

    1. Each group will need to turn in proposal including a brief description of the mythic figure, a list of its members and each person's project (the specific text, film, painting, opera etc. each person is researching), and a request for any technical equipment needed for the group presentation (video/tv, cd player, computer & projector, etc) Proposals will be due on October 15th.

    2. Each person will turn in a 5-7 page essay discussing how their group's mythic figure is represented in a particular piece of literature, art, music, theater, or film. Questions to consider: How is this author, painter, director, etc. using or adapting ancient mythic traditions? Which version or aspect of the myth does it highlight? Does it differ from the ancient version? If so, how and why? How might this myth be relevant to the culture in which it was (re)told? In what ways has it been adapted to make it more relevant? (e.g. How do you take a violent, womanizing warrior like Hercules and make him appealing to a Disney audience? Why would Disney even want to create a film about Hercules? What relevance does he have to a 20th century audience?)Who is the target audience? Is their any sort of cultural capital to be gained by using such mythic figures? What parallels or contrasts are being drawn between the culture in which your piece is created and ancient Greece or Rome? Individual essays are due on October 24th.

    3. Group presentations: Each group will meet to share their projects with each other and work together to create a presentation for the class which shows how their mythic figure has transformed from antiquity to the present. Presentations should be well integrated and present a coherent argument based on the individual projects of each member. The mode of presentation/performance is an important element of this part of the project (i.e. I don't want a series of individual, unconnected reports. This is an opportunity to display your creativity and hone your collaboration skills). The final two days of the course will be reserved for presentations.

    4. Each person will turn in a 1-2 page critique of their group's project including an evaluation of each member's efforts and contributions to the project (including a self evaluation). This critique will be considered when grades are calculated. Critiques are due on October 24th.

Last Update: Sept. 26, 2001
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