Greek/Latin Courses This Year

2016-17 Greek & Latin Courses

Emperor Augustus

Beginning Latin

Learn the language of ancient Romans, medieval monks, and Renaissance humanists--a language with nearly 2000 years of literature and history!

The three course sequence (LAT 101, 102, 103) fulfills the B.A. language requirement.
No previous foreign language experience needed.

Offered Terms 4 or 5, and 7 or 8 next year.

Why take Latin?

  • Knowing Latin puts you in touch with the writers and the thinkers who created western civilization.
  • You will understand the culture, literature, politics, and social life of ancient Rome first-hand, in the words of Cicero, Vergil, and Horace
  • Latin is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary and grammar in English since over 60% of English vocabulary is derived from Latin.
  • Latin is the key to learning other modern languages, especially French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.
  • The Romans' achievements in government, art and architecture, city-planning, literature, medicine, and law continue to shape our modern world.
  • Knowing Latin is an excellent preparation for further study in law, literature, medicine, philosophy, science, theatre, theology.
  • Unlike modern languages, you need only three courses of Latin to fulfill the B.A. language requirements
  • Here is another view on Why learn Latin?

Syllabus for Latin 101

Sample Syllabus for Latin 205

Pictures from the Latin Play

Also Offered

GRE 1-205 Introduction to Greek Literature and Culture

reconstruction of the statue of Olympian Zeus

Follow in the footsteps of the Roman travel writer Pausanias, reading (in Greek) his Description of Greece and exploring ancient sites around Greece.  On the way to Corinth, we'll hear about Theseus' exploits and visit the panhellenic sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia.  In ancient Corinth, we'll learn how the Roman general Mummius sacked Corinth, how Medea poisoned the king's daughter Glauce, and what happened to her children.  In Olympia, we'll train as Olympic athletes, make an offering on the great altar of Zeus, and stand in awe of one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the cult statue of Zeus sculpted by Pheidias.  Finally, we'll travel to Sparta to read about Helen and Menelaus and the Spartan way of life.  In short, we'll explore Greek myth, religious sanctuaries, art and architecture, Roman interaction with Greeks, and Greek self-definition. Prerequisite: GRE 103. Offered every third year. Gruber-Miller

Greek 5-334 Ancient Greek Politics, Society, and Culture

Persian royal sphinx

Readings and discussion of original Greek texts that cast light on the history, politics, society, and culture of Greece and the ancient Mediterranean. In this course, Herodotus, the father of history, is our primary text.  Topics will include the Greeks interaction with Persia and Egypt during the fifth century BCE.  Prerequisite: GRE 205. Offered every third year. (Humanities)

Latin 7-312 The Age of Cicero

Cicero denounces Catiline, painted by Cesare Maccari

Fall of the Roman Republic, as seen through the eyes of Cicero and his contemporaries, Catullus, Lucretius, and Sallust. Prerequisite: LAT 205. Offered every third year. (Humanities) Gruber-Miller

Classics Courses in Translation for 2016-17