Information for Iowa Wesleyan Students

Visit Cornell's Campus Thursday, April 27th

Come visit us and see what we're all about. It's about an hour drive from Mount Pleasant to Mount Vernon and we encourage you to take a short road trip to get to know Cornell. A Cornell van will pick students up at 8:30 a.m. and return around 3:00 p.m. Lunch is on us.

Plan your visit now

Transfer to Cornell

Iowa Wesleyan students looking to transfer to another 4-year liberal arts college to complete their bachelor’s degree will be welcomed at Cornell College with a financial aid package that matches their current aid from Iowa Wesleyan. Students whose financial need is not currently met will also be eligible for an additional $1000 transfer scholarship.

Start a conversation

  1. Reach out to to set up a meeting time in person or via Zoom with our transfer coordinator, Sharon Grice.
  2. Request an unofficial copy of your transcript to share with Sharon.
  3. Download a copy of your financial aid award or request it from the financial aid office (contact info) to share with Sharon.
  4. Meet and get all your questions answered so you can feel confident in your next step.

Transfer Guide Learn about Cornell Costs

Attend Cornell for Fall 2023

If you were planning to attend Iowa Wesleyan for fall 2023, Cornell College welcomes you to talk to one of our admission counselors to see if Cornell would be a good place to land instead. Iowa residents automatically qualify for Cornell’s Iowa Promise Scholarship of $31,000. 

Next steps

  1. Reach out to to set up a meeting time in person or over Zoom with an admission counselor. If you were already considering Cornell as well as Iowa Wesleyan, your Cornell counselor will contact you.
  2. If you’re considering Cornell for the first time, please gather an unofficial copy of your high school transcript to share with us.
  3. Download a copy of your financial aid award from Iowa Wesleyan to share with us.
  4. Get all of your questions answered and a new financial aid package from Cornell so you know all the facts to make a decision.

First-year Admissions Learn about Cornell Costs

Quick meeting request
