Our Faculty

The Cornell faculty are professionally active, nationally recognized scholars, artists, and musicians. They’ve earned degrees from Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Columbia, and M.I.T.

But it’s teaching that fuels their passion. That’s why they chose Cornell, where they can teach one course—and one small group of intellectually ambitious students—at a time.

Here, teaching is more than a 45-minute lecture every other day. It is about give and take in the classroom, about personalized learning, team-based projects, individualized exploration, and close mentoring. It is collaborative learning at its best.

You’ll see your professors applauding your musical performances, cheering in the stands when you score your first soccer goal, and attending your senior art show. You’ll assist them in writing up the results of publishable research and accompany them to conferences to present jointly designed science posters.

Ask our faculty experts: media inquiries

The Cornell College faculty experts can provide insight and analysis on a number of topics that they’ve researched, taught, and examined for years.

Faculty News