Iowa College Foundation Opportunities
The Iowa College Foundation (ICF) is now soliciting proposals for student/faculty research projects for the 2019-20 academic year under the R.J. McElroy Trust Student/Research Fund.
Students who will be juniors or seniors in 2019-20 are eligible to participate. Applications require the dual authorship of the proposing student (or students) and a sponsoring faculty member. Funds can be used to support research project expenses; faculty stipends are not supported. Funds can be requested for specialized hardware or software additions, but funding will not be provided for an entire personal computer system. The maximum award will be $2,000, with 10 to 12 projects expected to be funded.
The College is limited in the number of proposals we are allowed to submit. Proposal guidelines are listed below.
For more information, contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
R.J. McElroy Trust
Student/Faculty Research Fund
Proposal Guidelines
Students must be entering their junior or senior year in 2019-20 at one of the following colleges: Clarke, Coe, Cornell, Loras, Luther, Mount Mercy, University of Dubuque, Upper Iowa or Wartburg.
Applications require dual authorship by the proposing student or teams of students (2 or more) and a sponsoring faculty member.
The academic dean of the institution must approve the proposal by letter endorsement.
Qualifying Activity
The research fund will cover any expenses necessary to support activities defined in a credible research proposal (except faculty stipends). Funds may be requested for specialized hardware or software additions, but funding will not be provided for an entire personal computer system.
Maximum award will be $2,000.
No student stipend will be paid for credit work. Stipends awarded to students for non-credit work will be funded at a maximum of $1,000. Again, no faculty stipends are available.
Each proposal must include an itemized budget.
Equipment purchased with funds through a McElroy Research Grant becomes the property of the college.
Should any proposal submitted to ICF require funds from other grant programs, that should be noted as a part of the proposal to ICF. If any such proposal is selected for funding by ICF, the other grants must also be received. If not, the ICF award is invalidated.
Proposal Format
Proposals are limited to four pages plus an information page on the student(s) and sponsoring faculty person. The format proposals must be as follows:
· Project Description;
· Methods and Means to be Utilized;
· Student Activity and Responsibility;
· Desired Outcomes;
· Budget and Justification
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Review and Selection Process
Proposals will be evaluated by a panel composed of four members, including two faculty members from ICF member colleges. The Panel will define criteria for evaluation and awards.
Notification of awards will be sent to recipients and to the deans of the colleges. ICF will distribute funds to deans for disbursement to recipients as needed.
Summary of Findings
Each student recipient will be required to prepare a one-page summary of his or her findings.
Participating faculty and students will be invited to attend a symposium where their project results will be presented.
ICF will provide final reports regarding the research projects annually to the R.J. McElroy Trust.
Schedule of Events 2019-20
Pre-proposals (one paragraph description) due: March 15, 2019
Campus deadline for submission of proposals: April 16, 2019
Recipients notified: June 7, 2019
Final date for project to conclude: March 31, 2020
Symposium for participants: Spring 2020
Student/Faculty summaries to ICF: May 1, 2020
Final report to McElroy Trust: July 1, 2020
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