Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze


Create and perform a skit:
A visit to the sanctuary of Asclepius

The healing of Archinus, ex-voto tablet, Athens, National Museum, c. 370 BCE

After reading Chapter 17b and Chapter 18a, write the dialogue for a script, "A Visit to the Sanctuary of Asclepius," to be performed in class.

Roles: If you have a group of four, write parts for the following characters: four students to play six roles: attendant/Hygieia, priest/Asklepios, parent, sick child. If you are in a group of three, write parts for three students to play five roles: attendant/Hygieia, priest/Asklepios, and patient.

How to write the script: Try to write the dialogue with a minimum of narration. When the story already has dialogue, you may use that directly. If a particular speech is especially long, you may shorten it, provided you do not cut anything important for the story. When the story has narration that could be turned into dialogue, do so. You may write on posterboard (in Greek) to indicate the passage of time (as in silent movies).


Classical Studies
Cornell College

Last Update: July 15, 2008 8:39 am
John Gruber-Miller