Environmental Studies Field Courses

Environmental studies student in the water during a field course to the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota.

As an environmental studies major, you will take full advantage of the freedom offered by the block plan to go on field trips lasting from 1 to 21 days. You’ll spend time in the field, gaining valuable skills and experience.

Local field trips

  • Examine monarch populations in local fields during the fall
  • Study water chemistry of Iowa streams
  • Investigate flood control measures on the Mississippi
  • Tour a wind turbine plant or wind farm
  • Core soils and glacial deposits at a nearby preserve

Extended field courses

As an environmental studies major, you'll have opportunities to join several extended field courses.

Funding for research-intensive field courses

Environmental studies majors participating in off-campus courses that involve extensive research (e.g., BIO 485) can request financial support from the environmental studies program to help defray trip costs. Complete the Environmental Studies Support Application.