Phaedria (Dan Walbridge) turning his back while Parmeno (Phil Gallagher) lectures Thais (Erin Daly): “I suppose you were so much in love with him that you locked him out of your house!”

Gnatho (Andrew Showalter) bringing Pamphila (Katey Barnhurst) to Thais' house: “Gnatho bestows the most cordial greetings on his own very good friend Parmeno.”

“Are you still standing here Parmeno? It couldn’t be that you’ve been left here on guard!”

Thraso (Chris Demro) tells the "Rhodian joke" to Gnatho (Andrew Showalter) while Parmeno (Phil Gallagher) listens in: “You’re very impertinent. Are you hunting for meat when you’re a hare yourself?”

Parmeno brings gifts (Ben Thompson and April Johnson) for Thais. Thraso comments: “I wouldn’t mind that eunuch even when sober if need be.”

Thais (Erin Daly) to Thraso (Chris Demro): eamus.

Antipho (Brad Wright) not noticing as Chaerea (Ben Thompson) exits from Thais' house.

Chaerea (Ben Thompson): “Pro Iuppiter! No busy body asking me why I’m over the moon, why I’m so happy.”
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