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Classical Iowa presents how the Greek and Roman world has influenced and continues to shape the cultural contours of our state. Our first feature was "Cyberspace Meets Classics in Iowa." Future features will include photographic essays on classically influenced architecture, Herbert and Lou Henry Hoover's translation of De Re Metallica, and more. Novelist, Critic, Translator, Historian: An Interview with Peter Green
Before I try to tackle your questions, let me try to give a thumbnail bio of the kind of things that don't get on a cv. I was the only child of a late marriage, a good recipe in itself for becoming a writer. Taught myself to read at the age of three because my mother kept reading me Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit till I knew it by heart; I got hold of the book, being monumentally bored even at that age, and matched squiggles to words. After that there was no stopping me. I retired on the blue carpet under the grand piano with a stack of books, and in a sense I've never come out since. I'd read all of Tennyson's Idylls of the King by the time I was six. Didn't understand half of it, but the noise was magical. How did you become interested in the ancient world?
Because of the English system I had to decide how I was going to specialise at 16. It was either medicine or classics. Classics won, largely because my biology was only so-so. I've never regretted the decision. What got you into writing as a career? But I had this fabulous training in classics, first at Charterhouse, then (after the rude 5-year interruption that sent me to the Far East) at Trinity College Cambridge--the college of Bentley, Porson, and Housman. Trouble was, I got back to Cambridge after the war not really prepared for the still-powerful tradition of male spinsterdom that controlled English classics then ('I hear that young man still has women visit him in his rooms', A.S.F. Gow was reported to have observed about me: I figured then I was in the wrong business). I was also getting more and more interested in history, though what I'd specialised in was epic and textual criticism: it took me some while to realise that the principles of textual criticism worked beautifully for historiography. I started writing historical novels because I figured that the Thucydidean conventions only let you tell half the story, if that. I tried it on Alcibiades, Sulla, and, later, Sappho. It gave me an acute sense of chronological structure: it's amazing how fuzzy most classicists' sense of historical time is. They're happy if they get the year right. In a novel you have to think in months, weeks, days, hours. At this point, after doing a little desultory teaching in classics at Cambridge, I decided, along with my first wife (an archaeologist turned Egyptologist turned novelist) to embrace the literary rather than the classical world. This involved living in a cottage in the country and going very broke indeed, mitigated only by weekly trips into Blackwell's in Oxford to sell off my first editions for shopping cash. That didn't last. We moved to London and I turned myself into a pretty enterprising literary journalist operating out of Chelsea--fiction critic for the London Daily Telegraph, TV pundit, movie reviewer, you name it. Later we moved to a 16th century house we restored on the Norfolk-Suffolk border; I spent half the week in London. After a while this drove me nearly insane. How did you get lured back into being a classicist?
So there we were in Greece. But kids grow: Greek primary school was fine for them, but high school was another thing. We moved to Athens, the kids went to the American College in Halandri (which successfully later sent one to Cambridge, another to Birmingham); I'd become fluent in modern Greek (though not so fluent as the kids, from whom I learned all the best Greek cusswords) and loved the country--I'm still living on that experience in many ways--and I was looking for a job. Ismene Phylactopoulos, the guiding spirit of College Year In Athens (still the best of the junior year abroad programs) needed a lecturer in Greek literature and, later, history. By this improbable route I got lured back into teaching classics at tertiary level, and found that with American students I loved it. And, I was told, was good at it. I taught just about everything in Athens, from Greek archaic history to the satires of Juvenal, from 1966-71. During that time living history, in the form of the Colonels' coup, came to give us a nice lesson that ancient and modern Greek history had some weird (and in this case Peisistratid) similarities. In 1971 I got an invitation to spend a year as a Visiting professor in Texas. Closure taking me back to an academic career was operating nicely. My first marriage was breaking up. The time seemed right. I went. At the end of the year they offered me tenure and a permanent job. I married Carin, probably the best thing I ever did in my life. The rest is history. In my end was my beginning, with a vengeance. What are you doing now and how have your past careers
helped you as a teacher and writer and scholar? Are there issues today that a knowledge of the classics
would help us solve? Why should anyone still be interested in the ancient
world? Why should anyone come and see Art in Roman Life: Villa
to Grave at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art? Interview date: November 2003. For more about Peter, along with links to some of his essays, reviews, and books, see the New York Review of Books: Peter Green
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