Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze

Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze is a website designed to enhance the teaching of beginning Greek through a wide variety of activities. Goals of the website include:

  • To offer activities that integrate language and culture.
  • To present a balance between sentence level grammar and discourse centered activities.
  • To provide a multisensory environment for learning ancient Greek.
  • To offer a student-centered model of language learning.
  • To help students and teachers see through others’ eyes: women, metics, slaves, non-Athenians, and non-Greeks.

xai/rete. If you cannot read this welcome in Greek, download the Greek font SPIonic and put it into your fonts folder.

Photo credit: Lucanian red figure volute krater, Toledo 1981.110. Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of the Toledo Museum of Art.

Creative Commons License
Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze by John Gruber-Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Only images by John Gruber-Miller may be shared. All other images are under the copyright of others.



Classical Studies
Cornell College

Last Update: September 13, 2023 5:27 pm
John Gruber-Miller