Majors and minors

We've got you covered


Choose from 60+ majors and minors, earning a bachelor of arts (B.A.), a bachelor of fine arts (B.F.A.), or a bachelor of science in engineering (B.S.E.).


You want to explore your options, try on new hats, and see what happens.  Plenty of our students do this very thing block after block until they find what they love and themselves in the process.


Or you can do your own thing and create a major limited only by your imagination, earning a bachelor of special studies (B.S.S.) in whatever you want. Yes, we respect individual thinkers here.

What is a liberal arts college?

We’re kind of a big deal among national liberal arts colleges, ranking in the top 100. But what does that even mean? The term’s root in Latin is “Liberalis ars” or “free principled practice.” A graduate from a liberal arts college will be well-versed in a wide-ranging curriculum that spans across the sciences (both natural and social), humanities (any academic subject that studies human society and culture), and yes, the creative arts. It is an approach toward a holistic education that prepares you for a life’s worth of careers and instills skills and characteristics that employers say make for an effective employee right out of college.


It’s OK to not know what you want to study yet.

In fact, you’re in good company if you want to explore and try on different career hats before you make your final decision.

The flexibility of the block plan lends itself to changing direction quickly when the one course you are studying changes with every 18-day block. Try a psychology course or kinesiology course or a physics course. Which one interests you the most? You won’t declare your major until your sophomore year. Of course, your chance to explore doesn’t end after you declare your major either.