• Erin Lane

    Erin Lane

    Digital Liberal Arts Coordinator

Biographical Sketch

Erin Lane is the Digital Liberal Arts Coordinator at Cornell College. She works in the Academic Technology Studio at Cornell helping faculty and students to develop and create digital projects. Her research centers on text analysis and digital storytelling of 20th and 21st century narrative by female writers in Spain. She has created multiple digital humanities projects on Spanish literature and culture and presented at national and international conferences.

Academic History

Ph.D. Candidate in Spanish Literature and Culture, Arizona State University

Digital Humanities Certificate, Arizona State University

M.A. in Spanish, University of Northern Iowa

B.A. in Spanish with a Secondary Education endorsement, Simpson College

Professional Presentations

  •  “Digital Humanities in the Study of Spanish Literature and Culture” panel. Moderator.  New England Modern Language Association Conference. March 2022.
  • “La (re)examinación de la violencia etarra: desde una vista femenina”. Presentation. 30th Annual International Conference: Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies. November 2021.

  • "Trauma and Terrorism: A Computational Analysis of Women's Life Writing on The ETA Conflict". Poster Presentation. Digital Humanities Showcase-Arizona State University. October 2021 .

  • "La literatura hispánica a través del tiempo y el espacio/ Hispanic Literature through time and space". Poster Presentation. Digital Humanities Showcase-Arizona State University. October 2021 .

  • “Isabel de Palencia – la embajadora republicana olvidada”. Presentation. New England Modern Language Association Convention. March 2021. 

  • “La violencia etarra en tres textos vascos”. Presentation. 23rd Annual SPAGRAD Spanish literature conference- ASU. February 2020. 

  • “A Linguistic Study of Niebla” . Presentation. Modern Language Association Convention. January 2020. 

  • “Las consecuencias graves de la impotencia en La piel que habito y Matador”. Presentation. 29th Annual International Conference: Association of Gender and Sexualities Studies. July 2019. 

  • “Los viajes internacionales de una mujer al margen en Dime quién soy de Julia Navarro”. Presentation. 22nd Annual SPAGRAD Spanish literature conference-ASU. March 2019 


Feministas Unidas

Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies

Northeast Modern Language Association


Digital project on Isabel Oyarzábal Smith

Digital project on the life of Miguel de Unamuno and his novel, Niebla

Mapping project by SPA 325 students at Arizona State University

Timeline project by SPA 325 students at Arizona State University

Social Media

Follow us on Twitter @DLAatCornell